
Showing posts from January, 2018

BUKIT LANJAN: Malaysia tops in SEA for online child porno! Is Malaysian society sick?

Curbing child pornography By  NAUFAL FAUZI  - April 12, 2017 @ 8:28am THE growing prevalence of information and communication technology (ICT) in the daily lives of even children entails an urgent awareness of the opportunities and risks that it brings. The primary promise of ICT is as facilitator and accelerator of information, education, knowledge, growth and innovation. But, it can also be used to disrupt systems through distributed denial of service attacks (when multiple systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers), and as the Stuxnet malware showed, even potentially destroy a nuclear facility. There is also a dark, unsavoury side. The dark web, which hosts a collection of websites masked by anonymity and encryption, is abused and used for many layers of criminal activity — from illegal drug trade and assassins-for-hire to the sexual exploitation of children … for more, go to

BUKIT LANJAN: Selangor rakyat reason behind state’s economic success

Selangor is the most developed state in Malaysia – home to the sophisticated Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the renowned Sepang International Racing Circuit as well as containing Kuala Lumpur, the economic hub of Malaysia, and Putrajaya, the country’s administrative capital, within its boundaries. With a population exceeding 4 million, Selangor is propelled by urban growth and commercialisation, evident in the large numbers of shopping centres, business complexes and industrial areas. Hence, Selangor is the richest state in Malaysia. Selangor first started out as a territory under the Malaccan Sultanate. Then once Malacca fell to the Portuguese and then the Dutch, the Bugis people from Sulawesi came and settled in Selangor. In the late 18th century, Selangor’s economy boomed as a result of the growing tin industry and demand for rubber. A large population of Chinese immigrants arrived but were entrenched in a civil war, disrupting the precious mining and rubber trade. The Britis

BUKIT LANJAN: Don’t wait until an economic crisis hits, control Malaysia’s fast growing federal debt

Filepic: SCMP How Much Government Debt Does Malaysia Really Owe? Published on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 12:45 Joomla Social In his 2018 Budget speech, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak revealed that the federal government debt stood at RM685.06 billion as at end-June 2017. This translates to a government debt at 50.9% of our country's gross domestic product (GDP). All these might appear to be just abstact numbers to the layman but just how much is our government debt compared to other countries around the world? … for more, go to   UPDATED:  Malaysia could have RM1 trillion debt by 2021, says report BUKIT LANJAN: Don’t wait until an economic crisis hits, control Malaysia’s fast growing federal debt An economist has warned that Malaysia’s national debt level is fast reaching the maximum level for a developing country. The warning was from Sunway University’s Busine

BUKIT LANJAN: From chewing bubble gum to e-cigarettes …

BUKIT LANJAN: From chewing bubble gum to e-cigarettes … In 2004, the Singapore government banned chewing bubble gum to stop the dirtying of public places in the country. Initially people laughed it out as silly but the ban has helped Singapore to remain clean. Fourteen years after, the Singapore government has come up with another controversial ban - e-cigarettes! The ban is effective Feb 1, 2018. “However, the ban this time is for valid reasons. Public and personal heath,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff. He said the e-cigarette ban was also aimed at discouraging the smoking habit. Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14), said the federal government should also consider imposing a similar ban. “Millions of ringgit have been spent by the Health Ministry in anti-smoking campaigns but with little success in reducing the number of smokers and drug abuse. “E-cigarettes o

BUKIT LANJAN: Upgrading of Sexual Harassment Act to protect Malaysians long overdue

BUKIT LANJAN: Upgrading of Sexual Harassment Act to protect Malaysians long overdue There is no reason why Malaysians would object to the call to have a standalone Sexual Harassment Act (SHA). However, the SHA should cover both genders - female and male! “Why not also cover males? Males can also be at the receiving end of sexual harassment, no?” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said the call and proposal for a standalone SHA should protect and serve justice to both women and men. “Not only women, but men must also be allowed to complain of sexual harassment. The law must not be bias to any gender,” he added. Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14), said all lawmakers and the federal government “are urged to give immediate and serious attention to the proposed standalone SHA”. “All must stop dragging their feet on the SHA. This is the 21st Century. There is certainly a

BUKIT LANJAN: RM44 billion in GST collected last year! Who says Malaysians are poor and not spending?

BUKIT LANJAN: RM44 billion in GST collected last year! Who says Malaysians are poor and not spending? Malaysians contributed a whopping RM44 billion in Goods and Services Tax (GST) to the federal government last year! No wonder ministers have said if not for the GST, Malaysia’s administration would have gone bust! “It is good that Malaysians have contributed that much to Malaysia’s development,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. However, Syed Razak said, the GST contribution had also confirmed the stress of Malaysians and why they are generally struggling to put food on the table daily for their loved ones. “Many employers have also been struggling to make ends meet since the implementation of the GST,” he added. Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14), said Malaysians and Malaysia would also benefit much generally from a growing economy “if the GST collections are used wise

武吉兰樟讯:黄洁冰是否希望雪州消费者忘记20仙塑料袋政策惨败?(BUKIT LANJAN: Is Elizabeth Wong hoping for Selangor consumers to forget about 20-sen plastic bag policy fiasco?)

这真是个莫大的讽刺。!她感到非常自豪地,协助企业向消费者销售塑料袋赚取额外的187万令吉! 掌管旅游、环保、绿色能源及 消费人事务的雪州行政议员黄洁冰 雪兰莪通过20仙的塑料袋收取RM187万令吉 2017年7月24日 莎亚南 :雪州议会今天告诉记者,自2017年1月1日在该州实施“无塑料袋”运动以来,雪兰莪的购物者以每个塑料袋收费20仙,共收到187万令吉。旅游、环保、绿色能源及消费人事务委员会主席黄洁冰表示,收费的包括超市和食品店,他们需通过各自的行业协会,通知州政府在1月至5月期间收取20仙的费用。。。请参阅   武吉兰樟讯:黄洁冰是否希望雪州消费者忘记20仙塑料袋政策惨败?( BUKIT LANJAN: Is Elizabeth Wong hoping for Selangor consumers to forget about 20-sen plastic bag policy fiasco?) 黄洁冰你好!你轻易地对20仙塑料袋政策的惨败保持“沉默是金”的立场,并希望雪州消费者能够忘记这件事吗? 对不起,让你失望了,但惨败仍然悬而未决,没有得到解决,也没有被遗忘。 民政党副议长赛阿都拉萨说:“事实上,20仙塑料袋政策是一个完完全全和可耻的失败。” “在你的政治支持者开始抨击我之前,让我表明我不是为了政治利益或里程而提出这个问题。 “你不仅是武吉兰樟州议员,你还是雪州行政议员掌管环保,你的20仙塑料袋政策对于环境达到了预期的效果吗? “首先,如果你对你的政策是真诚的,那么就禁止使用塑料袋,或者对塑料袋收取1令吉的费用。这很可能会迫使消费者停止使用塑料袋。 “事实上,许多消费者仍然愿意为塑料袋支付20仙。谁获益?塑料袋的价格只不过2仙,商家很开心地多赚取18仙,之前消费者是免费得到这些塑料袋的。”他补充说。 赛阿都拉萨说:“所以,黄小姐,你不仅帮助商家从塑料袋的销售中获利,还给消费者带来了经济上的负担。 “让我们也不要忘记你相互矛盾的说法,即出售塑料袋的利润将被州政府展开环保运动,我们现在知道这是不正确的。 “如果你的

BUKIT LANJAN: Parents must start ‘thinking out of the box’ for their children to acquire the right working skills

To really appreciate the role of Robotics Malaysia, one must first understand the meaning of Industry 4.0, its core technologies and the importance of pursuing a sustainable industry 4.0 ecosystem. What is Industry 4.0? “Industry 4.0 is a name for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 creates what has been called a “smart factory”. Within the modular structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time, and via the Internet of Services, both internal and cross-organizational services are offered and used by participants of the value chain. In addition to this, these technologies enable mass customization of

BUKIT LANJAN: ‘Karma’ (sarcasm intended) hits Bukit Lanjan?

Pelangi Damansara ... Very bad drainage caused heavy rain and muddy waters from construction sites to bring the township to a grinding halt on Wednesday Jan 24, 2018 BUKIT LANJAN: ‘Karma’ (sarcasm intended) hits Bukit Lanjan? (VIDEO: Bukit Lanjan transformed into a river of mud) Even developed countries, like Singapore recently, are hit by floods when nature unleashes exceptionally heavy rain. So, it was just plain stupid for those who blame floods in their states on karma. “However, floods can be mitigated if monsoon drains are adequate,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said. He said floods could also be mitigated if development projects under construction “are conducted with strict guidelines and measures to ensure monsoon drains are not clogged”. From pictures shared on WhatsApp , Syed Razak said Bukit Lanjan was flooded badly yesterday (Jan 24, 2018) probably due to the many construction works in the constituency. “Th